Friday, November 9, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

Today I woke up at 5:15 PM. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 5:15 PM. That’s right. I just slept for SEVENTEEN hours! What an odd feeling. I feel like a day has just been robbed from my life. Apparently that’s what two all-nighters in a row will do to you! If you rob sleep one or two nights, it will get its time back some other way. I did feel a little silly emailing my choir director to explain that I had missed our 5:00 PM rehearsal because I hadn’t woken up yet. It makes for a great story though.

I made dinner (or breakfast?) and headed into town to attend the Oxford University String Ensemble’s concert at Wesley Memorial Church. An acquaintance from Merton College Chapel Choir, Brynn, sent me an invite on Facebook, and since this is the first event I’ve been invited to by a British student, I thought I should attend. The concert was absolutely wonderful. Works included Handel’s “Arrival of the Queen of Sheba”, Purcell’s Abdelazer Suite, Faure’s “Pavane”, and Mendelssohn’s String Symphony #7. My favorite piece was Faure’s “Pavane”. The melody is haunting, and the counterpoint is exquisite! The cello’s plucked an arpeggiated bass line that contrasted the flowing violins and violas so well. I’d never heard the piece before, but I instantly recognized the melody from the song “Dream a Dream” by Charlotte Church and Billy Gilman. It’s so interesting when popular music draws upon older music from a different genre. The concert was wonderful, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to support a British friend.

I looked up the Charlotte Church and Billy Gilman song, and in doing so discovered other Billy Gilman songs from back in the day. He's amazing! If you haven't heard him, please listen to "Oklahoma". I seriously cried!

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