Saturday, October 20, 2007

A walk through the leaves...

Journal Entry

I love Autumn. I love bundling up and walking through the leaves that cover the sidewalks and the feeling of the crisp air on my face. This morning, Amy and I walked to Summertown for an Oxford University Dance Society jazz class. The walk to class was much longer than we’d anticipated, as the class was at a church hall in Summertown. Summertown is a suburb of Oxford, about a mile and a half North of the city center. Though the air was brisk, the sun was shining and the sky was uncharacteristically blue. It was a beautiful.

As we walked, I wondered why I haven’t explored the streets of Oxford more. I spent the Summer in Arlington, Virginia, and the city didn’t really start to feel like home until I started running four days a week. I began by looping around the streets closest to my house, expanding my area each day. Once I’d covered the streets closest to me, I began choosing specific areas of the city to explore. This surveying method helped me to learn not only the main roads, but also the side streets and back alleys of the city. As I ran, more and more squares were filled in on the mental map in my head, and the city began to feel like my own. I haven’t run much since coming to Oxford as the weather is colder and I am in need of new running shoes, but today’s walk definitely served as motivation to hit the pavement and get to know the ins and outs of Oxford.

I really enjoyed learning the beginnings of a new style of dance. I’ve taken dance classes before, but never anything like jazz. Since we didn’t go to class last week, I felt a bit behind and discouraged at the beginning. By the end of the class, I was starting to catch on and having a lot of fun. Amy and I are planning to make trips to Summertown for dance class part of our weekly routine. I think that the morning walk on the quiet streets will be a beautiful way to start the weekend and will be more productive than sleeping away Saturday. Hopefully next week we will be able to spend some time wandering through Summertown’s enchanting shops and cafes. I can’t wait to rummage through the stores to discover the treasures that they no doubt hold!

The adorable shops of Summertown

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