Monday, October 15, 2007

Rocking out at Stonehenge and Bath!

Just about as "posh nosh" as can be! Claire, me, Katerina, and Andrea rocking out our audio guides in front of Stonehenge!

Cute and classic! Me in front of the rocks.

Amy and I tried to pose and just ended up laughing!

The Abbey in Bath was so beautiful from the balcony of the Roman baths

Sitting on a rock by the Roman bath with my friend, Karissa. Notice the beautiful Roman statues on the balcony and the lit torches on the walls.

Lounging next to the Roman bath. If only we could have actually bathed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures! Grandpa and I have been right there! There is a replica of Stonehenge near Goldendale--done by Sam Hill.