Tuesday, October 23, 2007

An example?

I listened to Francis Chan speak at APU today. Podcasts are an amazing thing. I am 5,400 miles away and still able to listen to the chapel services back at APU. How cool is that?

I am always challenged by Francis Chan's messages. Today was no different. He spoke about the Biblical model of discipleship and the need for mentors in the church, for those who serve as an example for others.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1, "Follow my example as I followed the example of Christ." Francis Chan talked about the fear that we have of telling others to look to us as an example of what it means to follow Jesus. He said that we need to trust that God has put His Spirit in us and that when we're following strongly after Him, we have the ability to be an example to others. The instruction isn't to teach the Word or share the Word, it's to LIVE the Word and tell others to follow what you do more than what you say.

It's so interesting how easily we use others as a measuring stick to judge our own actions. It's so easy to say, "Well, I'm giving more money to the church than she is, or I don't go as far with my boyfriend as she does, or I don't dress as scantily as she does, or I don't drink as much as she does, so I'm okay. Compared to everyone else, I'm much more of a "Christian". How do we get the idea that the world is our measuring stick? How do I get that idea?

When I heard Francis Chan's talk, that was the first thing I thought about. What would it mean to live my life so that I could tell people to follow me as an example of what it means to follow Christ. That's a whole new measuring stick right there...

The focus of this Note isn't supposed to be about measuring up. Obviously we all fall short. Obviously no one is good enough. I was just struck by the mindset of what that would mean to live so as to be an example to others. Not just to try to follow God but to live with so much passion for God, to be striving so hard to follow Jesus so as to be able to say, "This is it. This is how to really follow after God. Let me show you how." Wow. That's a pretty amazing thing to strive for. Just a thought for today...

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